We, Heidelberg Davitt Limited, have applied to An Bord Pleanála for permission for a strategic housing development at the Former Heidelberg / Miller Building and S.C.R. Garage sites, Davitt Road, Dublin 12.
In summary, the proposed development relates to the demolition of all existing buildings on site and the construction of a mixed-use development. The proposal consists of a U-shaped residential block consisting of 2 no. commercial units, 188 no. Build-to-Rent (BTR) residential units, resident support facilities, services and amenities, with the proposed heights ranging from part three to part nine storeys over basement level. The proposal includes communal open space areas at surface level, including play facilities, and roof terrace areas at third, sixth and seventh floor level. The proposal includes public realm improvements along the Davitt Road frontage, including a loading bay / drop-off area, 1 no. on street car parking space, pedestrian and cyclist access from Davitt Road and enlargement of the existing footpath. The proposal includes a vehicular entrance to the basement from Davitt Road, foul and surface water drainage, boundary treatments, hard and soft landscaping, an ESB sub-station and all ancillary site development works necessary to facilitate the development.